Partnerships worldwide

From Europe to the Far East

Thanks also to the cosmopolitan imprint given by the Founder, being a Student of the Collegio Nuovo means living in an international environment and having unique opportunities to go abroad.

From 1978 to today, over 60% of students have taken advantage of these opportunities.

Active international partnerships:

  • 1981 University of Mainz
  • 1992 Heidelberg University
  • 2008 Barnard College – Columbia University, New York
  • 2008 EuCA – European University Colleges Association
  • 2011 Shandong Women's University, Jinan
  • 2013 Ochanomizu University, Tokyo
  • 2015 China Women's University, Beijing
  • 2016 Giovanni Armenise – Harvard Foundation, Boston
  • 2019 Institut Pasteur, Paris

The University of Pavia recognizes the College's exchange students, both incoming and outgoing, with the status of Exchange Student, which guarantees free enrollment in study courses, as well as access to University services.

AY 2023-24 – assigned 12 contributions


From the College:
2 for the "Ferienkurs" of Heidelberg University
2 for Summer Program atOchanomizu UniversityTokyo
1 for individual projects (Yale)
1 with EUCA for the International Study Visit in Geneva (WHO)
1 with EUCA for Gen Z Votes, Dubrovnik

And other 5 by Alumnae Association or its singles Members, also in support of international initiatives: University of Heidelberg; Université Paris-Saclay and École Normale Supérieure, Paris; Yale University; Ochanomizu University, Tokyo.

A. 2021-22 – assigned 19 contributions

From the College:
3 for the "Ferienkurs" of Heidelberg University
1 for research internship a Harvard with GAHF
2 for research internships at Alumnae alla NYU Grossman School of Medicine and others Miami Miller School of
3 for research projects Yale School of Medicine, All 'ETH Zurich and the University of warwick
1 is preferably used for Utrecht Summer School –Theoretical Physics
1 for Trieste Next Academy – International Festival of Scientific Research
Besides 2 offered by EuCA for Europeans Go Digital
And other 6 by Alumnae Association or its singles Members, also to support initiatives in the field

An international vocation since its foundation

Among the very first 25 collegians of the year of its foundation (1978), a Somali student of Economics and a girl from Cervia who will benefit from one of the first post-graduate scholarships promoted by the College.

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