«It was also through the emotions of that period that I understood something that had remained buried or suspended inside me for many years. That is, that the work of the war correspondent had somehow calmed and quelled the anxieties of that child of me who, at the Musocco cemetery, discovered with horror death and its frightening senselessness. The truth is that my work doesn't just give meaning to my life: it gives, would give, meaning to my possible death, it reduces the fear of it.»
(L. Cremonesi, Endless war. Forty years of conflicts from the Middle East to Ukraine Solferino, 2022)

Lorenzo Cremonesi, the journalist of the "Corriere della Sera" returns to the Collegio Nuovo on Wednesday May 8th 2024 (h. 21) , this time with a volume in which he collected his experiences as a correspondent in conflict zones, from Saddam Hussein's Iraq to Gaddafi's Libya, from the Taliban's Afghanistan to Bashar al-Assad's Syria, from the tormented lands of Israel and Palestine up to Ukraine, not just that of these days.

On the occasion of his first visit to the Collegio Nuovo, with the editor-in-chief of the "Corriere" Sandro Rizzi, Cremonesi had also focused on the experiences of other correspondents - partly recalled in the volume from which he takes inspiration on this occasion (Endless war. Forty years of conflicts from the Middle East to Ukraine Solferino, 2022): the conversation will be led by Marco Missaglia, Director of the Master in Cooperation & Development at the University of Pavia, where he is Professor of International Economics.

The meeting is held in person (Aula Magna of the Collegio Nuovo, v. Abbiategrasso 404, Pavia) and remotely. Registration is mandatory by May 7th for in-person participation; by May 8th, 18.30 pm for those who wish to connect remotely. The event is also broadcast live on Facebook on @collegionuovopavia.

The initiative is included, upon possible confirmation by the individual College concerned, member of the CCUM, among the recognized training activities. The meeting is accredited for IUSS students as part of the Extra-Class activities of the ordinary courses.