The Collegio Nuovo continues its commitment to offering the public meetings with top-level female scientists: it is the turn of Maria Teresa Ferretti, guest on November 4th, at 21 pm (in the Aula Magna and on Zoom), neuroscientist and neuroimmunologist, expert in Alzheimer's and Gender Medicine.
Precisely on this last topic, also linked to Precision Medicine, Prof. Ferretti will speak in a meeting conducted by Prof. Anna Malacrida (President of the Sandra and Enea Mattei Foundation) and Giovanni Ricevuti (Coordinator of the free-choice course on Alzheimer's promoted by the College and accredited by the University of Pavia).
Given the chosen theme, the initiative is also part of the activities of MERGED (Interdepartmental Research Center on Migration and Recognition of Gender and Diversity, directed by Silvia Illari) of the University of Pavia, of which Collegio Nuovo is a partner.
The meeting will be held in person (Aula Magna del Collegio Nuovo, v. Abbiategrasso 404, Pavia) and remotely. Registration is required by November 3rd for in-person participation; by November 4th, 18.30:XNUMX pm for those who wish to connect remotely. The event will also be broadcast live on Facebook at @collegionuovopavia.
The initiative is included, upon eventual confirmation by the single interested College member of CCUM, in the recognized training activities. The meeting is in the process of being recognized for IUSS students in the Extra-Class activities of the ordinary Courses.