Michela Summa graduated in 2004 in Theoretical Philosophy, with a thesis on Edmund Husserl's “Bernauer Manuskripte”, with Silvana Borutti and Luca Vanzago at theUniversity of Pavia (where she was also a student of the IUSS Pavia Higher University School).
PhD – on Husserl's transcendental aesthetics – in co-tutorship at the University of Pavia and the University of Louvain, where he had previously spent a period with the Erasmus Project.
Postdoc in Heidelberg where he approaches studies of psychology and psychopathology dealing, among other things, with body memory.
She had been in Germany, in Mainz, as a student thanks to the partnership of the New.
Over the years, Michela has also conducted her research in Cologne, Copenhagen, Naples, Prague, Bologna, Paris.
In 2018, she was a Gastprofessorin at the University of Kassel, before taking up the position of Juniorprofessorin in Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Würzburg.
In 2021 he won an award from the State of Bavaria for the quality of his teaching.
(Teresa Schillaci, another Nuovina who was then graduating in Philosophy, with whom Michela is still in contact, will also know her in this role).
Since October 2024, Michela, who also won the Nuovo Alumnae Association Research Award, has held the chair of Theoretical Philosophy.